
Saturday, September 7, 2024

SEBA Class 9 Half yearly Question paper English (2023-2024) Answers

Total No. of printed pages: 7
District Level Internal Examination Committee, Kamrup
Half Yearly Examination, 2023-24
Class: IX
Subject: English
Time: 3 Hours
Full Marks: 90
(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)

Section - A

1. Choose the right answer from the alternatives given: 1×20=20
(a) On which date did Margie make an entry in her diary about schools?
(i) 17 May 2156
(ii) 17 May 2157
(iii) 17 May 2158
(iv) 17 May 2159

Answer: (ii) 17 May 2157

(b) The subject that Margie found very difficult was-
(i) Geography
(ii) History
(iii) Mathematics
(iv) English
Answer: Geography

(c) Bismillah Khan was awarded the highest civilian award the 'Bharat Ratna' in the year-
(i) 2000
(ii) 2001
(iii) 2002
(iv) 2003
Answer: (iii) 2001

(d) Who improved the tonal quality of the pungi?
(i) a barber
(ii) a singer
(iii) a musician
(iv) Ron Forbes
Answer: (i) a barber

(e) Who found the real book?
(i) Margie
(ii) Tommy
(iii) Mrs. John
(iv) County Inspector
Answer: (ii) Tommy

(f) "She speaks flawlessly with a Scottish lilt" What is the meaning of the underlined word?
(i) language
(ii) accent
(iii) a way of speaking
(iv) none of the above
Answer: (ii) accent

(g) The Second World War broke out in-
(i) 1919
(ii) 1929
(iii) 1949
(iv) 1939
Answer: (iv) 1939

(h) "My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries." What is the meaning of the underlined word?
(i) old
(ii) wise
(iii) simple, strict and severe
(iv) fat and tall
Answer: (iii) simple, strict, and severe

(i) Tommy's age was-
(i) 10 years
(ii) 13 years
(iii) 19 years
(iv) 20 years
Answer: (ii) 13 years

(j) Evelyn was helped to continue with her music by-
(i) her mother
(ii) her teacher
(i) Ron Forbes
(iv) her friend
Answer: (iii) Ron Forbes

(k) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was World War. years old during the the Second
(i) 8
(ii) 9
(iii) 10
(iv) 7
Answer: (i) 8

(1) Evelyn heard music-
(i) through drums
(ii) through fingers
(iii) by feeling vibration
(iv) through eyes
Answer: (iii) by feeling vibrations

(m) What is a telebook?
(i) an-e-book
(ii) a digital book
(iii) book stored in computer
(iv) all of the above
Answer: (iv) all of the above

(n) What do you think "Dinamoni" is the name of-
(i) a train
(ii) a magazine
(ňi) a newspaper
(iv) a book
Answer: (iii) a newspaper

(o) What was the name of Abdul Kalam's Science teacher?
(i) Ramanujan Iyer
(ii) Shiva Prakashan
(iii) Siva Subramania lyer
(iv) Aravindan
Answer: (iii) Siva Subramania Iyer

(p) The poet of the poem "The Road Not Taken" is-
(i) William Wordsworth
(ii) W.B Yeats
(ii) Robert Frost
(iv) John Keats
Answer: (iii) Robert Frost

(q) Why did the poet call the wood 'yellow'?
(i) because it looked yellow.
(ii) because it was raining.
(iii) because of the sun.
(iv) because it was autumn.
Answer: (iv) because it was autumn

(r) Saint Peter asked the lady for-
(i) some money
(ii) a clothe to wear
(iii) a dish of rice
(iv) a cake from her store
Answer: (iv) a cake from her store

(s) Saint Peter cursed the woman to be a-
(i) dog
(ii) woodpecker
(iii) fox
(iv) cat
Answer: (ii) woodpecker

(t) Grandfather bought Toto from-
(i) a bus driver
(ii) a taxi driver
(iii) a rickshawpuller
(iv) a tonga driver.
Answer: (iv) a tonga driver

2. Give short answers to the following questions. 1×20-20

(a) How many subjects are mentioned in the lesson, "The fun they had"?
: Three subjects are mentioned in the lesson, "The Fun They Had" — Geography, History, and Arithmetic.

(b) According to Tommy, what was the real book about?
: According to Tommy, the real book was about schools.

(c) When was Evelyn's deafness first noticed?
: Evelyn's deafness was first noticed when she was eight years old.

(d) Where did Bismillah Khan play the Shehnai on the 15th of August, 1947?
: Bismillah Khan played the Shehnai on the 15th of August, 1947, at the Red Fort in Delhi.

(e) Name the autobiography of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
: The autobiography of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is "Wings of Fire".

(f) How many roads diverged in a yellow wood?
: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.

(g) What award did Evelyn win in 1991?
: In 1991, Evelyn won the Meritorious Award.

(h) Where did Abdul Kalam talk about his childhood?
: Abdul Kalam talked about his childhood in his autobiography, "Wings of Fire".

(i) What did Kalam's father teach him?
: Kalam's father taught him good values and the importance of education.

(j) Where does the poet find himself in the poem "The Road Not Taken"?
: In the poem "The Road Not Taken," the poet finds himself at a crossroads.

(k) For how much money did grandfather buy Toto?
: Grandfather bought Toto for five rupees.

(l) What did Ramanadha Sastry later become?
: Ramanadha Sastry later became a priest.

(m) Who invited Abdul Kalam to his home for a meal?
: Abdul Kalam was invited to his home for a meal by his science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer.

(n) What did the Happy Prince send to the matchgirl?
: The Happy Prince sent a ruby to the matchgirl.

(o) Where did the swallow want to go?
: The swallow wanted to go to Egypt.

(p) What does the poet hear in the deep heart's core when he is far away from Innisfree?
: When he is far away from Innisfree, the poet hears the sound of the lake water lapping with low sounds in the deep heart's core.

(q) According to Bismillah Khan, what is Hindustan's richest tradition?
: According to Bismillah Khan, Hindustan's richest tradition is its classical music.

(r) What problem does the poet face in the poem "The Road Not Taken"?
: The poet faces the problem of choosing between two equally appealing roads.

(s) What do the crickets do?
: The crickets sing.

(t) Name the plants that the poet wanted to grow at Innisfree?
: The poet wanted to grow beans at Innisfree.

3. Answer the following:
(i) Why did Margie's mother call the county Inspector? 2

(ii) Who were Abdul Kalam's school friends? What did they later become? 2

(iii) What are the main features of schools of the future? 1

(iv) Write down words that rhyme with 'wood' and 'lay'? 2

4. How does Toto come to grandfather's private zoo? 2

5. "Toto was a pretty monkey". In what sense is Toto pretty? 2

6. How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learnt to do this? How does he almost boil himself alive? 2+1+2=5

Section - B

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct options given below. 1×5=5

(i) I go to school ________ foot.
(a) on
(b) in
(c) by
(d) at
Answer:  I go to school (c) by foot.

(ii) Butter is made ________ milk.
(a) by
(b) from
(c) of
(d) with
Answer:  Butter is made (b) from milk.

(iii) The poor man lives ________ begging.
(a) with
(b) to
(e) by
(d) on
Answer:  The poor man lives (d) on begging.

(iv) The little girl is afraid ________ the policeman.
(a) to
(b) for
(c) by
(d) of
Answer:   The little girl is afraid (b) of the policeman.

(v) We must not run ________ money.
(a) after
(b) for
(c) to
(d) with
Answer:   We must not run (a) after money.

8. Write the correct tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets. 1×6=6

(i) I shall I shall wait here until he (come) back.
(a) comes
(b) is coming
(c) came
(d) has come
Answer: I shall wait here until he (a) comes back.

(ii) When I went out, it (rain).
(a) rained
(b)is raining
(c) was raining
(d) will be raining
Answer: When I went out, it (c) was raining.

(iii) He is not at home, he (go) out.
(a) goes
(b) will go
(c) has gone
(d) went
Answer: He is not at home, he (c) has gone out.

(iv) She behaves as if she (know)  everything.
(a) has known
(b) knows
(c) will know
(d) knew
Answer: She behaves as if she (b) knows everything.

(v) The train (leave) before they reached the station.
(a) had left
(b) left
(c) was leaving
(d) has left
Answer: The train (a) had left before they reached the station.

(vi) Ice (float) on water
(a) floating
(b) floats
(c) has float
(d) will float
Answer: Ice (b) floats on water.

9. Answer the following questions as directed in the brackets. 1×3=3

(i) I am well, ______ ? (Add a tag question)
Answer: I am well, aren't I?

(ii) My father is a teacher. (Ask a question to get this answer)
Answer: What does your father do?

(iii) She knows how to swim. (Turn into interogative)
Answer: Does she know how to swim?

10. Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence: 1×4=4
(i) the saw in boy I the shop.
Answer:  I saw the boy in the shop.

(ii) the beasts the king of the lion is called.
Answer: The lion is called the king of the beasts.

(iii) earth the sun round moves the
Answer: The earth moves round the sun.

(iv) the book is this was I looking for.
Answer: This is the book I was looking for.


11. Translate into English (any five) 1×5=5
(i) ছোৱালীজনীয়ে গান গাই আছে।
Answer: The girl is singing a song.

(ii) ল'ৰাজনক বুধিয়ক যেন লাগে।
Answer:  The boy seems intelligent.

(iii) আমি এখন গাঁৱত বাস কৰোঁ।
Answer: We live in a village.

(iv) তুমি সাঁতুৰিব জানানে?
Answer: Do you know how to swim?

(v) আমি আবেলি পথাৰত ফুটবল খেলোঁ।
Answer: We play football in the field in the afternoon.

(vi) অহা মাহত আমি শ্বিলঙলৈ যাম।
Answer: Next month we will go to Shillong.

Amplify the maxims (any one) 5×1=5

(i) Honesty is the best policy.
Answer: Honesty is a virtue that often leads to the best outcomes in life. When we are honest, we build trust and credibility with others, which can open doors to new opportunities and foster strong, positive relationships. Honesty helps us to avoid the complications and repercussions of deceit, and it ensures that our interactions with others are based on truth and integrity. Although honesty might not always be the easiest path, it is ultimately the most rewarding one. It helps to maintain our self-respect and earn the respect of others, contributing to long-term success and happiness. By consistently practicing honesty, we set an example for others and create a more trustworthy and ethical environment.

(ii) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Answer: The maxim "A friend in need is a friend indeed" means that a true friend is someone who stands by you and helps you when you are in trouble or facing difficulties. True friendship is not just about enjoying good times together but also about offering support and assistance when it is most needed. Such friends prove their loyalty and sincerity through their actions during challenging times. They are the ones who demonstrate their value by being present and offering help when circumstances are tough, rather than simply being fair-weather friends who only appear when everything is going well. This maxim emphasizes that the strength and authenticity of a friendship are often revealed through acts of support and kindness during moments of need.

(iii) Rome was not built in a day.
Answer: The maxim "Rome was not built in a day" highlights the idea that significant achievements and complex tasks require time, patience, and persistent effort. Just as the great city of Rome, with its impressive structures and vast empire, took many years to build and develop, so do any substantial accomplishments or improvements in our lives. This saying reminds us that success, whether in personal goals, professional endeavors, or any ambitious project, is a gradual process. It requires consistent effort and perseverance over time. Instant results are rare, and rushing through the process often leads to incomplete or unsatisfactory outcomes. By understanding and accepting that great things take time, we can better manage our expectations and remain motivated through the challenges and delays that inevitably arise along the way.

12. Prepare a newspaper report based on the following information-

Celebration of Teachers' Day - September 5th 2023-10.00 AM-Functions organized by the students and presided over by the Principal/Headmaster/Headmistress - speakers including students speak on the significance - felicitation of teachers-closing of the function.
Newspaper Report

Celebration of Teachers' Day at Local School

Date: September 5th, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM

In a heartwarming tribute to educators, [School Name] celebrated Teachers' Day with a series of engaging events organized by the students on September 5th, 2023. The function, held at the school auditorium, commenced promptly at 10:00 AM and was presided over by the Principal, [Principal's Name].

The event featured a lineup of speeches delivered by students, each highlighting the profound significance of Teachers' Day. The speakers eloquently expressed their gratitude and admiration for the dedication and hard work of their teachers, emphasizing the pivotal role educators play in shaping their futures.

The highlight of the celebration was the felicitation of teachers. In a gesture of appreciation, each teacher was presented with a token of thanks and a bouquet, acknowledging their unwavering commitment to education and their invaluable contributions to students' growth.

The function concluded with a heartfelt closing speech by the Principal, who praised the teachers for their exceptional efforts and encouraged students to continue valuing and respecting their educators. The celebration was met with enthusiastic applause and ended on a note of mutual respect and gratitude.

Overall, the event was a fitting tribute to the teaching community, reflecting the deep respect and appreciation students and the school administration have for their teachers.

[Reporter’s Name]
[Newspaper Name]

13. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

About fifty years before the birth of Christ, there was a great Roman general named Julius Caesar. He was very popular with the common people of Rome because of his victories over the enemies of Rome. He had extended the power of Rome to the English channel in the north-east and even invaded Britain. In the west, he subdued Egypt and made it a part of the state of Rome. His victories made him the most powerful man in the state and there were Romans who were jealous of him.


(a) Who was Julius Caesar? 1
Answer:Julius Caesar was a great Roman general.

(b) Why was Caesar popular with the common people? 1
Answer: Caesar was popular with the common people because of his victories over the enemies of Rome.

(c) To what extent did Caesar extend the power of Rome? 1
Answer: Caesar extended the power of Rome to the English Channel in the north-east and even invaded Britain.

(d) Which word in the passage means 'to be liked by many people'? 1
Answer:The word in the passage that means 'to be liked by many people' is 'popular'.

(e) Write the opposite word of 'victory'.
Answer: The opposite of 'victory' is 'defeat'.

14. Internal Assessment.    10

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পাচলি শস্যত সাৰ প্ৰয়োগৰ বিভিন্ন পদ্ধতি কি কি?

  পাচলি শস্যত সাৰ প্ৰয়োগৰ বিভিন্ন পদ্ধতি কি কি?  উত্তৰ: শাক-পাচলি শস্যত সাৰ প্ৰয়োগৰ পদ্ধতি মাটিৰ প্ৰকাৰ, শস্যৰ প্ৰয়োজনীয়তা, বৃদ্ধিৰ প...