1. Where did Margie write about the book Tommy found?
A. In her school notebook
B. In her diary
C. On a computer screen
D. On a piece of paper
2. On what date did Margie write in her diary about Tommy finding the book?
A. 17 May 2157
B. 17 May 2057
C. 17 March 2157
D. 17 June 2157
3. Who told Margie that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper?
A. Her mother
B. Her father
C. Her grandfather
D. Her teacher
4. Where did Margie and Tommy find the old book?
A. In a library
B. In Margie’s house
C. In Tommy’s house
D. At school
5. What was funny to Margie about reading the old book?
A. The words moved on the pages
B. The words stood still instead of moving
C. The pages were blank
D. The book had no cover
6. How old was Margie?
A. Eleven
B. Twelve
C. Thirteen
D. Ten
7. What did Tommy say was a waste about the old books?
A. They were hard to read
B. They were thrown away after reading
C. They were expensive
D. They were heavy
8. Where did Tommy find the old book?
A. In the attic
B. In the basement
C. In the living room
D. In the garage
9. What was the old book about?
A. Adventure
B. School
C. History
D. Science
10. Why did Margie hate school more than ever?
A. The mechanical teacher gave her a lot of tests
B. The lessons were too easy
C. She had no friends at school
D. She didn’t like the subjects
11. Who was the County Inspector?
A. A tall man with a serious face
B. A round little man with a red face
C. A woman with glasses
D. A robot
12. What did the County Inspector give to Margie?
A. A book
B. An apple
C. A new mechanical teacher
D. A chocolate
13. What did the County Inspector do to the mechanical teacher?
A. He took it apart and repaired it
B. He replaced it with a new one
C. He upgraded its software
D. He turned it off
14. What part of the mechanical teacher did Margie hate the most?
A. The screen
B. The voice
C. The slot for homework and test papers
D. The keyboard
15. How did Margie have to write her homework and test papers?
A. In a punch code
B. By typing
C. By speaking
D. By writing normally
16. What did the Inspector say was wrong with the geography sector?
A. It was too advanced
B. It was too slow
C. It was not working
D. It was too quick
17. What did Margie hope the Inspector would do to the mechanical teacher?
A. Take it away
B. Fix it quickly
C. Give her a new one
D. Teach her himself
18. Why was Margie disappointed after the Inspector left?
A. The teacher was fixed
B. The teacher was taken away
C. The Inspector didn’t give her a new book
D. She still had to do her homework
19. What had happened to Tommy’s teacher before?
A. It had been taken away for nearly a month
B. It had been upgraded
C. It had stopped working permanently
D. It had been replaced with a human teacher
20. How did Tommy describe the old kind of school?
A. A place where kids went to play
B. A place with mechanical teachers
C. A place they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago
D. A place where only boys studied
21. What did Margie find hard to believe about old schools?
A. They had real books
B. They had mechanical teachers
C. Teachers were humans
D. Kids learned different things
22. What did Margie’s mother say about teachers?
A. They must be humans
B. They must be robots
C. They must be adjusted to fit each child’s mind
D. They must teach all kids the same way
23. Why did Margie’s mother call her?
A. To do her homework
B. To go to school
C. To help with house chores
D. To eat dinner
24. Where was Margie’s schoolroom?
A. Next to her bedroom
B. In the attic
C. In the basement
D. In the living room
25. What was the first lesson Margie had on the day she read the old book?
A. Arithmetic on the addition of proper fractions
B. Geography
C. History
D. Science
26. What did the mechanical teacher ask Margie to insert?
A. A new book
B. Yesterday’s homework
C. A test paper
D. A punch card
27. What was Margie thinking about while doing her homework?
A. Her mechanical teacher
B. The old schools
C. Her mother’s words
D. Her geography test
28. How did Margie imagine the old school kids?
A. Laughing and shouting in the schoolyard
B. Sitting quietly in the classroom
C. Studying at home
D. Playing with robots
29. What was flashing on the mechanical teacher’s screen?
A. When we add fractions ½ and ¼...
B. Today’s lesson is on history
C. Insert your homework
D. Geography test results
30. Who wrote the story “The Fun They Had”?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Isaac Asimov
C. Albert Einstein
D. Thomas Edison
31. Why did Tommy call Margie stupid?
A. She didn’t know about old schools
B. She didn’t like the old book
C. She hated school
D. She didn’t understand the mechanical teacher
32. What did Margie’s mother believe about learning?
A. It should be done at regular hours
B. It should be done at any time
C. It should be only on weekends
D. It should be done with friends
33. How often was the mechanical teacher on?
A. Every day except Saturday and Sunday
B. Only on weekdays
C. Only on weekends
D. Every day
34. What did Margie think about kids learning the same things in old schools?
A. They could help each other with homework
B. They couldn’t help each other
C. They found it boring
D. They didn’t learn much
35. Why did Tommy scream with laughter?
A. Margie didn’t know teachers didn’t live in houses
B. Margie didn’t like the old book
C. Margie hated school
D. Margie couldn’t read properly
36. What did Margie want to do after school?
A. Read the old book with Tommy
B. Play with friends
C. Watch television
D. Do her homework
37. What did Tommy do with the old book?
A. He tucked it beneath his arm
B. He threw it away
C. He gave it to Margie
D. He left it in the attic
38. Why did Margie sigh when she inserted her homework?
A. She was thinking about the old schools
B. She didn’t like arithmetic
C. She was tired
D. She didn’t understand the lesson
39. What did Margie’s mother call her for?
A. School
B. Dinner
C. Playtime
D. Homework
40. What did Tommy do while reading the book?
A. Pointed without looking
B. Shouted at Margie
C. Played with a toy
D. Talked to his mother
41. How many books did Tommy say the television screen could hold?
A. A million books
B. A thousand books
C. A hundred books
D. Ten books
42. What did Margie’s grandfather say about the time when he was a little boy?
A. All stories were printed on paper
B. All stories were on screens
C. There were no books
D. There were no schools
43. How did Tommy feel about the old book?
A. He thought it was a waste
B. He loved it
C. He was confused
D. He hated it
44. What did Margie and Tommy do with the pages of the old book?
A. Turned them
B. Tore them
C. Colored them
D. Ignored them
45. How many telebooks had Margie seen compared to Tommy?
A. Fewer than Tommy
B. More than Tommy
C. The same number
D. None at all
46. How did Margie feel when her mother shook her head sorrowfully?
A. Sad
B. Angry
C. Happy
D. Confused
47. What did Margie’s mother think was wrong with Margie’s geography test results?
A. They were getting worse
B. They were getting better
C. They were the same
D. They were excellent
48. What did Margie’s mother do when Margie’s geography results were poor?
A. Called the County Inspector
B. Helped Margie study
C. Ignored it
D. Punished Margie
49. What did the mechanical teacher have that showed all the lessons?
A. A big screen
B. A projector
C. A book
D. A blackboard
50. How did Margie imagine the kids from the old schools at the end of the day?
A. Going home together
B. Staying at school
C. Doing their homework alone
D. Playing video games
1. B. In her diary
2. A. 17 May 2157
3. C. Her grandfather
4. C. In Tommy’s house
5. B. The words stood still instead of moving
6. A. Eleven
7. B. They were thrown away after reading
8. A. In the attic
9. B. School
10. A. The mechanical teacher gave her a lot of tests
11. B. A round little man with a red face
12. B. An apple
13. A. He took it apart and repaired it
14. C. The slot for homework and test papers
15. A. In a punch code
16. D. It was too quick
17. A. Take it away
18. A. The teacher was fixed
19. A. It had been taken away for nearly a month
20. C. A place they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago
21. C. Teachers were humans
22. C. They must be adjusted to fit each child’s mind
23. B. To go to school
24. A. Next to her bedroom
25. A. Arithmetic on the addition of proper fractions
26. B. Yesterday’s homework
27. B. The old schools
28. A. Laughing and shouting in the schoolyard
29. A. When we add fractions ½ and ¼...
30. B. Isaac Asimov
31. A. She didn’t know about old schools
32. A. It should be done at regular hours
33. A. Every day except Saturday and Sunday
34. A. They could help each other with homework
35. A. Margie didn’t know teachers didn’t live in houses
36. A. Read the old book with Tommy
37. A. He tucked it beneath his arm
38. A. She was thinking about the old schools
39. A. School
40. A. Pointed without looking
41. A. A million books
42. A. All stories were printed on paper
43. A. He thought it was a waste
44. A. Turned them
45. A. Fewer than Tommy
46. A. Sad
47. A. They were getting worse
48. A. Called the County Inspector
49. A. A big screen
50. A. Going home together
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